Offers for Groups and School Classes

The IFICAH Foundation is very happy to showcase a variety of their subjects to school classes in order to enlighten especially the younger generation on aspects of lesser known cultures. For elementary and primary education pupils we have the possibility to show our objects in a presentation that is not only easy to understand but  quite exciting as well. For older students in secondary education we offer guided tours that cover subjects from art, history, politics, and religion to more general topics like social norms and values.

Did you know…

  • …that in Indonesia there is a group of objects inscribed on UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage for not only one but two cultural elements? It is Wayang Golek, the Indonesian rod puppet theatre, designated as World Heritage for the plays as well as for the batik costumes of the puppets.
  • …that in the past Japanese Lacquer was valued higher than gold? A naturally grown Lacquer Tree of 30 cm diameter yields when tapped no more than 20 ml of sap.