The C.W. Pressler Travel Diaries
At IFICAH Foundation we have in our care the travel diaries of a certain gentleman, C. W. Pressler, dating from around 1880/1890 and written in German. Despite intensive research we have so far been unable to gather more relevant information about his person.
Pressler compiled two very extensive art collections, one Indonesian the other African. We also have photographic documentation of the Indonesian objects, pack lists for safe storage during the Second World War and innumerable other documents.
C.W. Pressler appears to have been one of the most avid German collectors of the subjects of his time. One trace, so far unconfirmed, leads to the USA, but is eventually lost there.
We would be very thankful for any information about the elusive Mr. Pressler in order to help us gain a better and more complete picture of him, his life, and his work.
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